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LETTER: Retired Maple Ridge teacher sides with principal over disciplining

Local resident who has taught in Canada and Kuwait questions recess incident

Dear Editor,
Principal reprimanded for grabbing student's arm, The News, June 20]
I am a 77-year-old retired English teacher. I have taught in B.C., Ontario, Nova Scotia, and Kuwait, mainly Grades 11 and 12. My teaching career was enjoyable and successful. I am fond of children, and especially teenagers. 
I also raised two children, who are now university professors. 
It was with sadness I read the article about Adam Guy Stanley. This letter is in support of this man I do not know. 
Thank you for doing a job most people would not want. Being a principal is challenging and difficult, especially when your hands are tied behind your back. How do you discipline hundreds of young people when your authority has been undermined? 
Once administrators had too much power; now they have too little. Mr. Stanley "grabbed a student's arm and used a loud voice." 
Hope it didn't scar the pupil for life! What kind of "wimps" are we raising? This incident provides food for thought. 
Shirley Hargreaves, Maple Ridge 

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