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LETTER: Maple Ridge resident encourages locals to support eco code

Artist has been encouraging others to be more eco-friendly for decades
Holly Arntzen walks past a local farm each morning as she explores nature. (Special to The News)

Dear Editor,

To my family, friends and neighbours in Maple Ridge,

I’m writing in support of the Maple Ridge Mayor’s Task Force on Climate Action, and a recommendation for council to adopt the Zero Carbon Step Code – a step in the right direction!

I moved to Maple Ridge just over a year ago. I grew up in Lynn Valley and have deep roots here in Maple Ridge, where I’ve visited my grandparents, aunt, uncle and cousins since the 1950s. I grew up in the era when we headed out the door in the morning to play in the woods, and came back at lunchtime when we got hungry. This instilled in me a fervent love for these beautiful mountains, watersheds, and forests I call home.

This love came to be expressed through my music. I’m a lifelong singer, songwriter and producer. I began writing songs about the earth in the late ’80s. Our organization, the Artist Response Team (ART) produces school music programs called Voices of Nature where giant choirs of children and youth sing out to their families and communities to protect watersheds, oceans, habitats, plants and animals.

Singing is my antidote to the desperate concern I feel about the extreme weather we are increasingly experiencing over the past few years: terrible floods right here in the Fraser Valley, and wildfires and drought throughout B.C. 2023 was the hottest year on record. Salmon stocks are declining. Our planet is overheating, and the climate is changing because of the carbon pollution we send into the atmosphere. I want my kids and grandchildren to have a good place to live and grow, so I want to do everything I can for their future.

Another antidote was to connect with my wonderful neighbours who are joining together for positive action at the Maple Ridge Climate Hub. I met Councillor Sunny Schiller, and heard about the Mayor’s Task Force and the great work they are doing to help Maple Ridge end our dependency on dirty, expensive energy that is costing us money and health, and the earth itself!

Buildings and transportation are the largest sources of greenhouse gas emissions in Maple Ridge. In B.C. cities have the ability to significantly reduce emissions by implementing the Zero Carbon Step Code (ZCSC). The ZCSC provides tools for local governments to encourage or require lower operational carbon emissions in new buildings by using electricity powered appliances for space heating, water heating, and indoor cooking. General information on how the program works is online.

The Mayor’s Task Force on Climate Action identified this as a priority action for the City and the recommendation from the task force is coming before council for review and discussion at the May 28 workshop meeting.

Electrifying how we heat our houses involves heat pumps. I am lucky enough to have first-hand experience; I live in a house with a heat pump. It is great! Heats in the winter. Cools in the summer. Lowers our Fortis bill. Reduces our polluting emissions.

Our mayor and council really need to hear from us. You can express your support by emailing and share your letter with your family and neighbours. You can attend the council meetng where ZCSC will be voted on (date to be determined).

On my daily walks I pass this beautiful farm in sight of the Golden Ears, close by the Kanaka Creek Fish Fence. We all have a responsibility to protect our climate and the natural systems we all depend on for survival. We owe it to our children and grandchildren that they can enjoy a healthy life – clean air, water, food – and a place to grow and thrive.

For a little musical inspiration, listen to this clean energy anthem, The Wilds sung by Solar Angel, sung by children… from the mouths of babes!

Holly Arntzen, Albion


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