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LETTER: Maple Ridge man appreciates first responders

Local letter writer wants those who have a hand in keeping the community safe to know they are seen

Dear Editor,
Just wanted to thank all the individuals – police, community safety officers, bylaws and Westridge Security – for all of their help in keeping our communities safe and clean.
Awesome job!
It's a huge job in our area of the downtown core to keep it clean and safe for all of our residents.
We tend to have a large number of transients and homeless in our city and need this extra effort by all involved to keep it safe and livable for all residents.
And, the outreach that they've been doing on our streets in this area of Lougheed Highway and 224 Street is awesome. Please keep it up, because it is much needed and very appreciated.
Kudos to all!
John E. McKenzie, Maple Ridge

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