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Summer Games attract athletes and tourism dollars in Maple Ridge

City expected to get $1.5 to $2 million boost from BC Summer Games

Thousands of people are expected to arrive in Maple Ridge this July for the 2024 BC Summer Games, which will lead to a particularly profitable week for some local businesses.

According to the City of Maple Ridge's director of economic development Tyler Westover, hosting the Summer Games leads to a boost in both community pride and engagement, as well as the health of the local economy.

"The influx of visitors for the BC Summer Games generates significant economic activity, benefiting local businesses such as hotels, restaurants, and retail stores," said Westover. "Local attractions, shops, and service providers experience increased revenue due to higher visitor numbers."

Based on economic studies done for past Summer Games events throughout the province, Westover estimates that Maple Ridge could see an economic impact of between $1.5 million and $2 million as a result of the B.C.-wide competition.

Laura Butler, president of the Maple Ridge 2024 BC Summer Games Society, explained that preparing for the games has been a community-wide effort and she expects many local businesses to reap the rewards of that come this July.

"I know that the people coming to Maple Ridge will be blown away by the hospitality of our local business community," said Butler. "They will get the same joy we do from our favourite restaurants, pubs, and retail businesses as they take a break from watching their friends and family compete around the community during the Games."

"Our local, and regional business community, and our friends of the Games, have provided over $300,000 in cash and in-kind services. All of us involved in the Games will be ambassadors for the businesses in Maple Ridge that have earned our patronage with their incredible support."

Maple Ridge Mayor Dan Ruimy said hosting the Summer Games has truly brought all corners of the community together, including many local businesses, and is the perfect chance to showcase just how far the city has come since last hosting the Games more than 25 years ago.

"It’s our time to shine as a city," said Mayor Ruimy. 

"The Maple Ridge Downtown Business Improvement Association and Chamber of Commerce have partnered with us to ensure our community derives the maximum economic benefit from hosting the Games. The incredible number of volunteers reflects how proud our citizens are to be ambassadors for Maple Ridge."

It is estimated that approximately 3,500 athletes, coaches, and officials will be coming to Maple Ridge for the Summer Games.

The 2024 BC Summer Games will take place from July 17 to 21, with volunteers able to participate by visiting

Brandon Tucker

About the Author: Brandon Tucker

I have been a journalist since 2013, with much of my career spent covering sports and entertainment stories in Alberta.
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