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VIDEO: Students in Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows raise thousands for cancer research

Students at c’usqunela had opportunity to pie teachers to increase donations
Teachers at c’usqunela Elementary were pied in the face during a fundraiser for cancer research before the school’s Terry Fox Run. (Screen grab/SD42 video)

Students across Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows raised thousands of dollars for cancer research recently.

According to the school district, 18 schools took part and raised more than $25,000.

In addition to the runs, some schools held unique charitable contests to increase donations.

At c’usqunela Elementary, the entire school of 640 students took part in the run at the Albion Sports Complex, said principal Wes Reamsbottom, raising more than $5,000.

“It was a great day,” said Reamsbottom, noting that lots of parents attended as well, lining the route to cheer on the students.

And those students who raised more than $50 had their names placed in a draw to pie a teacher in the face.

“I got the hardest pie in the face,” he laughed, noting the student, didn’t mean to hit him so hard.

“Mine was given to me by my neighbour whom I watched grow up, so it was fine. I knew he would pick me,” Reamsbottom chuckled.

And, added Reamsbottom, one student alone raised more than $500, so they made sure his name was pulled, because, he said, the student definitely earned it.

There were eight staff volunteers in total, even though, Reamsbottom noted, the principal and vice principals didn’t have a choice.

ALSO: Cops for Cancer comes to Maple Ridge

Before they ran, students at c’usqunela also heard from Kayje Nogue, a school ambassador with the Terry Fox Foundation, who told them about Terry’s story.

Reamsbottom said, the ambassador talked about Terry’s life, journey, and goals and showed the students a video put together by the Terry Fox Foundation.

“It was really inspirational. He did a great job with the students,” he said.

ALSO READ: Winners of youth entrepreneurial contest pick up winnings in Maple Ridge

More than 600 students at Kanaka Creek Elementary also took part in their Terry Fox Run from Grades one through seven, said the school district.

In a district video, principal Chad Raible said he hopes that the students take away the understanding of what Terry Fox did.

“The fact that he gave them something that was more of himself. In fact, he gave his entire life,” he said.

Grade 2/3 student Ella explained that Terry Fox ran with one leg to raise money for cancer research.

“We want to finish what Terry Fox started,” finished her classmate Will in the video.

Colleen Flanagan

About the Author: Colleen Flanagan

I got my start with Black Press Media in 2003 as a photojournalist.
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