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Pitt Meadows Elementary students honour veterans with painted rocks

Kids will place the mementos at local cenotaph on the morning of November 10

Children at Pitt Meadows Elementary will get a chance to think about the sacrifice of their countrymen this week.

In the lead up to Remembrance Day, students from Kindergarten to Grade 7 will learn about the significance of the occasion, and then paint rocks, which will be placed at the local war monument.

Vice principal Jennifer Beveridge said it is a way of leaving something physical and tangible to show the kids why we remember our veterans.

“The students will either do a finger painting of a poppy, or they can choose a word that comes to mind,” Beveridge said, “They will have their creative freedom.”

READ MORE: Remembrance Day planners scrambling as COVID-19 upends traditional ceremonies

Meadows Landscape Supply agreed to provide the students who want to participate with a rock each, and Beveridge received permission from the City of Pitt Meadows to place 50 of the decorated rocks around the local cenotaph in Pitt Meadows’ Spirit Square.

“I’m hoping this is a way we can learn about Remembrance Day and it’s significance,” she said. “This should teach the students that we’re part of a larger community, while at the same time, fostering our school community, too.”

A handful of kids from the school will place the stones on the morning of Nov. 10.

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