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New program to entice members back to seniors activity centres in Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows

16 seniors attended the first Lunch Buddies Program in Maple Ridge
Participants of the inaugural Lunch Buddies Program at the Maple Ridge Seniors Activity Centre. (Special to The News)

The Ridge Meadows Seniors Society has launched a program to entice members – whom they haven’t seen since prior to the COVID-19 pandemic – back to the activity centre.

Lunch Buddies offers a free nutritious lunch for seniors in a group setting. It is for members of the centre who have not returned since restrictions lifted from the COVID-19 pandemic. The lunch is centred around having casual conversations over a shared meal, in an intimate group setting.

Maria Perretta, executive director of the Ridge Meadows Seniors Society, noted that since the post COVID-19 pandemic re-opening of both the Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows centres, close to 500 seniors did not return.

COVID-related mental health and well-being needs that the society has identified, are in older adults who have spent a great amount of time in significant isolation, explained Perretta.

“Many were actively engaged in our centres pre-pandemic and were in good health. The increase in social isolation and their lack of drive to return to regular activities made us worry that they would be at greater risk of depression and other mental health issues. It is well known that a reduction in socialization can result in a decline of health which is accelerated by a decreased interest in food,” said the head of the society.

Staff and volunteers have been working on connecting with these seniors, informed Perretta, trying to figure out the reasons why they did not return. Although, she conceded, there are many possibilities for their absence – many may have moved closer to family, or moved into long-term care, or passed on. Some may have discovered new hobbies and groups to attend.

But there are others, she emphasized, who simply had not returned to their pre-pandemic routines.

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Members, she said, are initially sent an email and then they receive a phone call to touch base. If the response is positive after a casual chat, the members are invited to the lunch.

The inaugural Lunch Buddies event saw 16 attendees – three men and 13 women – and is sponsored by First West Foundation through Envison Financial Community Endowment.

“The atmosphere was nothing short of delightful. The connections forged during the gathering and breaking of bread left a lasting impression, and attendees expressed a profound sense of being truly being missed and acknowledged,” said Perretta, noting that many of the participants shared feelings of concern about reintegrating at the centre and who they would still know.

Participants were thankful for the opportunity to have meaningful discussions.

“One participant highlighted the joy of being part of a group without the constant intrusion of technology, remarking on the pervasive presence of cellphones in today’s society,” added Perretta.

The idea is to create an ambiance that is uplifting and warm, in a space that is positive and inclusive of everyone, she said.

Colleen Flanagan

About the Author: Colleen Flanagan

I got my start with Black Press Media in 2003 as a photojournalist.
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